Green Energy 3000 invests in projects in Belarus


In the course of continuous expansion, Green Energy 3000 Holding will expand its project business to Belarus in order to invest in the development of renewable energies.

By 2020 Belarus aims to produce 32 % of its energy demand from renewable energy sources in its own power stations. Achieving this expansion target requires annual investments of hundreds of millions of euros. In this area, Germany is one of the major partners of Belarus and at the same time the most important supplier of high-tech products and foreign direct investments.

New markets create new business opportunities and play a crucial role for further growth. The focus lies on the development of new wind energy and photovoltaic projects in Belarus up to readiness for construction and finally on their implementation. Besides of the commissioning of those plants, the Green Energy group is also planning to establish a service company in order to be able in the future to provide its plant management and maintenance concepts also outside its core markets.

A couple of photovoltaic and wind plants are already in planning. The experience, know-how and dedication of the collaborators will offer the best conditions for a successful start in this East European State.